I'm Up North for Easter, staying with my parents. This is an excellent opportunity for a proper rest - I've got nowhere I need to be, and no way of getting there anyway; out in the middle of nowhere in a beautiful house and no option but to relax. This is, in itself, excellent news. However, just to put the cherry on top, my mum and dad have recently acquired a gorgeous, soft, rottweiler puppy called Meg.
The ecstacy comes from the playing, the cuddles, the excessive cuteness and the restorative nature of playing with a puppy for a week. The agony comes from her needle-sharp teeth and her apparent desire to rip my face off to express her love.
I can live with that :)
1 comment:
I thought you might have been refering the hangover that we sent you up the road with on Saturday. I was certainly in a fair amount of pain.
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